What Happens at Ladies of Hope Events? Find out here and save our fall event dates!

SAVE THE DATE! Maybe you're new to Hope Church or haven't attended a Ladies of Hope event in the past, so we've outlined what you can expect at all of our upcoming events and we hope you make plans to join us!

Soup & Scripture
  • When is it? Typically the second Tuesday of the month, always at 6:30pm. 
    • September 14th
    • October 12th
    • November 9th
    • We take December off, but then meet again January-June!
  • What is it? Once a month, we invite all the ladies to join us in the Garage at Hope Church for dinner, fellowship, and a teaching from scripture. This year, Ally Brennan will be teaching each month through the Sermon on the Mount. These practical teachings of Jesus will encourage and remind us what obedient discipleship requires of us. Each month, there will be a sign-up to attend and an optional sign-up to bring a crock pot of soup or side salad to share. 
  • Why should you come? Obviously there is delicious food (which should be reason enough!), but additionally these events are intended to be an informal, come-as-you-are way to meet other ladies at Hope Church. We're excited this school year for Ally to be consistently teaching through a passage of scripture and hope that you plan to join us each month to learn and grow deeper in your faith along other women. But the nice thing is that it's not an ongoing commitment and if you have a conflict one month, you can jump in and join us the following month! 
  • Cost: FREE

Bible Studies
  • When is it? Meeting weekly, September - December. There will be two groups meeting and working through the same study. One group will be led by Charlotte Hartman and will meet Wednesday morning at 9:30am (beginning Sept 15th). The other group will be led by Charlene Campanella and will meet Thursday evening at 6:30pm (beginning Sept 16th). 
  • What is it? This fall, ladies will be working through Jen Wilkin's Women of the Word. This book teaches women how to study and understand God's Word for themselves through inductive bible study. If you've ever felt like you know you should read your Bible, but don't know where to start - this is the perfect study for you! Or perhaps you've been reading your Bible for years and are looking to be challenged and encouraged to go deeper! You'll read a section of the book independently during the week, and then meet weekly to receive additional teaching and unpack it with a group of women. 
  • Why should you come? Attending a Bible Study provides a unique opportunity to dive deeply into God's Word in community. This provides direction, accountability, and a safe place to ask questions and wrestle with what God is teaching you. 
  • Cost: Price of book (approx. $10 new on Amazon)

Hands of Hope
  • When is it? Once a month on Thursday @ 6:30:
    • September 16th
    • October 21st
    • November 18th
    • Continues in the new year meeting January-June
  • What is it? A group of ladies meets every month in the church cafĂ© to knit and crochet various projects to give to member so the church and community. They've made many baby blankets and prayer shawls and are open to any and all crafty projects that can be a blessing to others.
  • Why should you come? If you like to craft, this is the perfect ministry for you! These meetings are a great, informal way, to get to know other ladies at Hope while spending time working on craft projects.
  • Cost: FREE

Gift of 5's
  • When is it? Saturday, December 11th from 9am-11am
  • What is it? We are excited to bring back Gift of 5's this year for some Christmas fun! The event includes breakfast, fellowship, a Christmas devotional, and a crazy gift swap. Everyone who attends will bring 5 of the same item. This can be something you bake, make, or buy! You bring your items to the church unwrapped, and then all the gifts will be spread out on tables. Then each lady will be given 5 rounds to run into the other room and pick out any gift to take home. So you come with 5 of the same item, and leave with 5 different gifts for yourself or to give to others for Christmas! 
  • Why should you come? Because it's fun! This is a great event to invite friends or family to attend to find some Christmas gifts before the holiday. 
  • Cost: $5 plus the 5 items that you would "gift"

Women's Retreat - Who's Daughter Are You? 
  • When is it? Friday, March 18th @ 7pm - Saturday, March 19th @ 5pm at the Berlin Grande Hotel in Amish Country (1hr 15 mins south of church)
  • What is it? A retreat is an amazing opportunity to get away and give your mind and soul time to reflect on who God is calling you to be. Charlotte Hartman will be challenging us to think deeply about where we place our identity. There will be 3 sessions: Friday night, Saturday morning, and Saturday afternoon. Each will include a time of worship, fellowship, and teaching. Breakfast and lunch on Saturday are included. 
  • Why should you come? It's so easy to get caught up in the demands of our daily lives that we lose sight of Jesus. Treat yourself to this sweet time away from your routine to grow in your faith and get to know other women at Hope Church. 
  • Cost: TBD and will vary based on number of people you register to share a room with. Sign-ups will open January 1st, so stay tuned for more details! 

If you have questions about any of our upcoming events, let us know in the comment section. Otherwise we hope to see you there! 

Ladies of Hope Leadership Team

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