November Soup & Scripture Recap

We enjoyed another wonderful Soup & Scripture event this month where ladies were able to laugh, connect, and grow closer to God together. Thank you to all the ladies who came out (and to those that brought food) - the spread of food was delicious as always! 

For November, we kicked off the night with some Turkey trivia (did you know that a turkey has approximately 3,500 feathers and can fly at 55mph!). We also heard from Liz Keefer, who shared about her life experiences that shaped her love for food. She reminded us of the many times that the Bible talks about food and encouraged us this holiday season to embrace and celebrate the opportunities to share a meal with those around us. She did caveat this with a reminder to not disregard good health and moderation, but nonetheless to remember that a good meal is a gift from God and a wonderful tool to bring people together.

She also shared a family recipe for "Plops" (included at the bottom), which her family makes every year on the day after Thanksgiving. After the Thanksgiving dinner, they boil the turkey bones to make a broth and then every year on Friday have plops for dinner (similar to a German spaetzle - but we agreed 'plops' is easier to say and spell). 

Finally, Ally Brennan finished teaching on the last two Beatitudes and the benediction (Matthew 5:10-16). Verses 10-12 of the Beatitudes focus on our attitude toward the world and those who are persecuted. Ally reminded us that though we should not seek out persecution, Jesus tells us that when we are persecuted in this world, we can expect rewards for it in Heaven. Ally also challenged us to be sure that we understand a biblical view of persecution. It is not an attack on our personal preference or identity, but specifically when someone is seeking to silence the witness of Jesus. In America, we are free to worship and witness to others -- are we being obedient to that opportunity?

Matthew 5:13-16 then shift gears to remind us that if we are living with the right attitudes (as defined in the Beatitudes), others around us will notice. We are to be like salt and light. Internally (who we are) and externally (what we do) should reflect Jesus to everyone we interact with. What an encouraging reminder as we navigate the holiday season! Whether you're out shopping, stressing through to-do lists at home, or interacting with family members (who may think differently than you do) -- let's pray that everyone we encounter would get a taste of Jesus. 

We wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving and hope you plan to join us at a Soup & Scripture night in the new year! 

Plops - a Liz Keefer family recipe

- 4 cups flour
- 2 eggs
- 1 cup water
- salt
- pepper

Also Needed:
- boiling broth
- large pot

1. Mix all ingredients together into a sticky dough.
2. Using two spoons, "plop" the dough into the boiling broth.
3. Stir.
4. When plops rise to the surface, cover and lower heat for 3-4 minutes.
5. Scoop out with a slotted spoon and serve.

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