What Happens at Ladies of Hope Events? Find out here and save our fall event dates!

SAVE THE DATE! Maybe you're new to Hope Church or haven't attended a Ladies of Hope event in the past, so we've outlined what you can expect at all of our upcoming events and we hope you make plans to join us! Soup & Scripture When is it? Typically the second Tuesday of the month, always at 6:30pm. September 14th October 12th November 9th We take December off, but then meet again January-June! What is it ? Once a month, we invite all the ladies to join us in the Garage at Hope Church for dinner, fellowship, and a teaching from scripture. This year, Ally Brennan will be teaching each month through the Sermon on the Mount. These practical teachings of Jesus will encourage and remind us what obedient discipleship requires of us. Each month, there will be a sign-up to attend and an optional sign-up to bring a crock pot of soup or side salad to share. Why should you come? Obviously there is delicious food (which should be reason enough!), but additionally these events ...