Reflections and Recipes from Liz

Spring.  Soup.  And Scripture.

One of the things I have missed the most throughout the fall and winter season was meeting together for our monthly Soup and Scripture events.  I love gathering and getting to see each other, hearing from the word of God, and SOUP! I have some great soup recipes that I love to share a whole crock pot of. But I admit that in the past, some months I would take advantage of these times to prepare soups that my family will not particularly enjoy.  Which would include any soup with what they would consider had “too many vegetables”.  And I would also try out new recipes.  I have in the past brought dill pickle soup.  It ended up tasting way better than anyone expected.  And because of the way we have it setup, we can try soups, scooping portions ourselves so it was possible to try a bit without committing to a whole bowl like you might if you were ordering off a restaurant menu.  I love when someone else brings chili. I can’t make chili. Actually I can only make one chili, I follow the recipe to a T, and the recipe came from a friend that made it for a chili cookoff. It's sweet and not heavy with chili powder.  But some cold days I crave that red chili full of beans, and I fail every time.  Chili is one of those things that I bet you are saying, what? Chili? You just throw stuff in with spices? It can’t be bad! Uhhh ask my family, it can be bad ha ha. 

I just want to let you know how desperately I miss these monthly gatherings.  I’ve been saving up soup recipes.  And even though we are working our way towards springtime, I expect a few more cold days where a bowl of soup would be so comforting.  So here is a recipe that I would of made for us.  Because my family would not eat it.  Because of the color (eyeroll.)  Honestly I do not live with picky eaters, they just have preferences.  Peas are not preferred. 

Spring Pea Soup Recipe: How to Make It | Taste of Home

Love, Liz Keefer

Let us know in the comments if you made this recipe at home or if you have any favorite soup recipes you've saved for when we can Soup and Scripture again in the future! 

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