Ministry Spotlight - Hands of Hope

For our first Ministry Spotlight, we connected with Casey Bloomfield to learn more about the Hands of Hope ministry.  Our hope is these will make you aware of initiatives in our church and community that exist to help others. We hope you'll be encouraged and seek ways to use your gifts for God's glory.

 1. Can you tell us a little bit about this ministry -- what do you do?

The Hands of Hope ministry meets every second Thursday of the month (except July and August) in the church café from 6:30-8 pm.  Anyone is welcome to join.  We bring whatever project we are working on and mostly socialize while we work.  Mostly people make prayer shawls and baby blankets, but we have gotten hats (baby and adult), booties, and other things too.  If you feel called to make something, go for it!  We also pray over the things we make.  

2. How long have you been involved and why are you passionate about it? 

I have been a part of the Hands of Hope ministry for 6 years and in a leadership role for about 5 years.  I absolutely love the ladies involved in this ministry.   They are so inspiring and uplifting.  It's almost like having a support group.  You can do a relaxing craft while listening to wise women in our church talk about their heart for serving others.  We also get the added benefit of blessing people with our crafts!

3. Who is helped by your ministry?

The Hands of Hope ministry serves the members of our church by providing prayer shawls to those in need and baby blankets to new babies in the church.  We have also been able to bless many area nursing homes with prayer shawls and yarn kits.  We provide baby blankets to local ministries like Oasis of Hope.  We have made things for Hope for the Homeless.  And we have even gotten to send yarn overseas to help women learn a way to make a living.  

4. How could the ladies at our church partner with this ministry?

We are always looking for more crafty and even non crafty people.  Even if you are not crafty we can always use women who want to pray with people and pass things out for us.  If any woman in the church ever needs a prayer shawl or baby blanket for whatever reason feel free to reach out to us.  We try to keep extras around for our church family.  If you are crafty we are not picky about what kind of crafting you are called to do.  We can help you find a way to use your gifts.  

Pictures from passing out prayer shawls at a nursing home in Medina in the Fall of 2019. CLICK HERE to see a copy of the letters that are included when someone is gifted a prayer shawl or baby blanket.

Thank you Casey for your faithful leadership in this ministry! For any ladies that want to get involved, you're invited to attend an upcoming meeting or feel free to reach out to Casey directly for more information ( 

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