Meet the Leadership Team - Liz Keefer

Meet Liz Keefer 

Hi! My name is Elizabeth, mostly known as Liz.  I am called Lizzy by my family, but don't hear that too often now.  I grew up in upstate NY near the Utica, Syracuse area.  I am the oldest of 4 kids.  I attended Keuka College and earned a degree in Occupational Therapy.  I have been able to encounter all ages of people over my many years in healthcare.  I held a newborn baby that weighed four pounds in my left hand, the tiniest life is so precious, I will never forget that experience.  I have also worked women that were 112 and 109 years old! I met Kevin at Keuka College and we were married in the college Chapel after we had both graduated.  Our first home was close to his family in Jamestown, NY.  We moved to Ohio almost 18 years ago.  We have three kiddos - Jacob is 20, Owen is 17 and Grace is 14. 

1. How long have you been attending Hope Church and what is one thing you love about Hope Church?

We were attending a church that we loved however it was 20-25 minutes away.  It was getting more and more difficult to commit to making the drive with little ones.  Wednesday night youth groups went too late for us.  Grace even went to church one Sunday without shoes on, no going home to grab them once you are in the parking lot.  We started getting the advertisements for Hope Church, an new church plant right in our community.  We attended the first launch service at the PAC, the next week we went back to our other church, and then decided that Hope was where we wanted to be.  

2. Why did you want to be on the women's leadership team?

I feel that being on the women's ministry team is a blessing, and a responsibility that I do not take lightly.  The heaviest burden on my heart is having opportunities for women to get to know each other.  That is very difficult during this time of COVID.  So, as we wait on the Lord to clear the way to safety again, we are trying to be patient with all of our plans.  

3. What has been one of your favorite ladies ministry event and why?

One of the most fun nights I had gathered with women was at Bunco Night! (Which in my current COVID mindset gives me shivers to think about.)  I had never played Bunco before, so I got to learn a new game.  And depending on win/loss you switched tables.  It was fast paced and fun.  And easy, not much strategy involved.  And we had fun food to share! (another shiver ha ha.) When we get the go ahead, I'm planning a Bunco Night, so be ready!

4. What is something you feel like God has been teaching you? Or anything else you want to share about yourself?

It seems that every once in a while God slaps me upside the head with the story of Mary and Martha.  And usually over a week or so that story will be mentioned in the weirdest ways, until I say "fine God! I got it! Again!"  And that has happened about two weeks ago.  I heard it in mentioned in a devotional on the radio, in something I was reading, and then when I was serving the preschoolers in church - their story and coloring page was about M&M too!  In my interpretation of that story as it relates to me, Jesus visits his friends Mary and Martha.  Mary stops what she is doing and sits with Jesus.  Martha hurriedly carries on trying to manage the home, serving food, cleaning, etc.  Martha gets frustrated Mary is not helping, that things are not getting done the way she expects, especially when a special guest is there.  Mary sits, rests, stops and gives her attention to her friend.  What have I learned?  That it’s easy for me to get busy, doing what isn’t wrong (God has blessed me with a home and family to manage and serve) but that I need to stop, and know that it is ok to not be busy, and spend time with Jesus, family and friends, in a real way.  Jesus did not show up at the ladies’ home and expect a certain décor, the best meal, everything in order.  So two things to take away – that I need to stop and spend time with my friend Jesus often.  And we need to be intentional about being a friend and spending time together.  And want to let you know that my home is open to whoever needs to stop by.  And you get what you get.  If Jesus can visit his friends with the intention of just being together, that’s what I hope you would expect too.  So here’s your invitation to my home. We always have coffee and tea.  And dust.  And laundry to put away.  And smudgy windows from the dog’s nose.  But I will dismiss all of what would bother me (as I think Martha felt too) to spend time with you. 

Love, Liz



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