Meet the Leadership Team - Casey Bloomfield

Meet Casey Bloomfield 

Occupation: Teacher 

Family Info: I have a wonderful husband named Adam and two sons P.J. who is almost 10 and Gus who just turned 8. 

1. How long have you been attending Hope Church and what is one thing you love about Hope Church?

I have been attending Hope church for 6 years. I have always felt very at home at Hope church. I love the warm community of people here and Christ and love centered approach to every aspect of the church. 

2. Why did you want to be on the women's leadership team?

I felt called to join and lead the Hands of Hope group which led to me being added to the women’s ministry team. This was honestly unexpected to me, but it has been a wonderful opportunity to be inspired by the other women on the team. 

3. What has been one of your favorite ladies ministry event and why?

I am always very partial to anything related to crafting. The paint along night we did several years ago was a real highlight for me. 

4. What is something you feel like God has been teaching you?

I have been learning the importance of having other women around you for support. I have been surrounded by some amazing ladies at Hope church and I want to soak in all they have to teach me. 

5. Anything else you want to share about yourself? Something unique or interesting, or perhaps something you like to do for fun?

If you haven’t guessed by now I am obsessed with all things arts and crafts. I have more crafting hobbies than I can keep up with. Some of my favorites include knitting, spinning yarn, glass fusing, & soap making.

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