March Event Recap

Thank you to all the ladies who joined us for our Ladies of Hope March Event! For those that attended in person, we passed out card kits to take home and make homemade cards. Liz also shared more information about how you can support the card ministry. See our previous post for details about how to make the cards or obtain a kit. We sincerely hope that you enjoy making the cards and that you take the time to give them to someone in your life or donate them to the card ministry to bless others in the community.

Ally Brennan then shared with us the lessons she has learned from the past year of the COVID-19 pandemic. This week marked the one year anniversary of the first case of COVID-19 in Ohio and one year since the first time we closed church and moved into a season with many unknowns.

Many of the lessons she shared have been hard to learn and were hard for her to share, but they remind us to check our hearts and encourage us to stay rooted in Christ. 

Here are some of the lessons learned in 2020:

  • Compassion starts strong, but fades fast. We need to persevere in doing good (Galatians 6:9), especially as we continue to navigate 2021.
  • Satan so quickly seeks to divide believers. We must make every effort to stay united in the Spirit (Ephesians 4:3-6).
  • We must be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slower to become angry (James 1:19). No one will agree with us on everything and we need to show grace.
  • Our identity must always be rooted in Jesus. We can be proud to be from America, identify by our occupation or family, but all of that is second to our identity as a child of God. 
  • It is far more important to share God's unconditional love, than it is to share our opinions on current events. 
Flowing out of those lessons, Ally shared some challenges for herself and all of us in 2021:

  • Don't share your opinion on anything with anyone unless they ask you. And then when you do share, focus on how you can add peace and truth to the conversation. 
  • Limit and filter your social media posts to only that which builds others up. 
  • Spend time in God's word every day.
  • Spend time in prayer ever day.
  • Reach out to someone once a week. Don't have any expectations of it being returned, but be willing to pursue others anyway.
  • Believe the best in others. 

What has the pandemic taught you? Have you taken time to reframe and focus on how to best love God and others in 2021?

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