Devo - Lessons from Eden
Genesis 2:25 says “And the man and his wife were both naked and where not ashamed.” In the beautiful Garden that God had created, with every kind of fruit tree and flowering bush and bears and foxes and crystal-clear streams and lush green hills, Adam and Eve were perfectly comfortable without clothes. And they were not ashamed. There were no viruses to catch or thorns to step on or predators to watch out for or laundry to wash or groceries to buy or bills to pay or kids to round up or time clocks to punch or dinner to make. There was no shame for bad decisions or selfish choices or defiant behavior or jealous actions. They did not need to hide. Genesis 3:8a “And they heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day.” And God was present. In person. They could have walked with Him like we would walk with a friend. Eye to eye and heart to heart, their fellowship must have been astounding. ...